Elaine Lemieux and Sara Zalek
Mooov Voice
Combines classical vocal techniques with fundamental Butoh exercises,
exploring the physical sensations of vocal sounds.
We work up to group improvisational scores by playfully passing sound and movement in simple patterns.
Next Moove Voice: Friday May 17
6-8pm at Berger Park Cultural Center
in partnership with Roman Susuan
Each two hour workshop starts with connecting our focused attention to our breath and bodies. We warm our vocal chords using gentle repetition of constants, vowels, and classic vocal exercises. We use imagery and release techniques from the Butoh world to loosen our everyday body and open more playful ways.
Through games and simple improvisational structures, we practice listening to one another, exploring vocal improvisation and playfully passing sound and movement.
No previous experience necessary.

Cri du Coeur
Heart Song / In Amazement
Friday, February 23, 7pm
@bimbom studios
Next show TBA
Work in Progress, a glimpse into our studio rehearsal process. Quarterly invitation only event for an audience of twelve. RSVP by email to sara at saratonin dot com
Limited seating capacity. Next event TBD